Three Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy

Financial content is itself in a bull market with no expectation of slowing down.  Between articles, posts, newsletters, and more flooding your clients' inboxes and social media accounts, it is harder to differentiate yourself as their advisor from the noise.  Given the time and effort it takes to create unique content, it can feel like a waste of time if your thoughts aren't making an impact.  Below are a few suggestions to keep yourself top of mind with clients and be viewed as a dependable financial authority.  

Use Intriguing Topics to Your Advantage

Money is one of the most interesting topics in the world. Multiplying your money is even more interesting which is why people come to financial advisors in the first place. Prospects and existing clients alike are looking for ways to make and keep more money, but most people have seen so much “common-sense” advice that their eyes gloss over at the mention of IRAs, 401(k)s, or insurance. 

The average person is so desensitized to general personal finance content, or so bored with the same thoughts and advice that they pass it by even when they are not actually following that advice.  The commonplace nature of the most prudent advice turns people off because of how basic it seems.  Subconsciously, when we see something that everyone knows or everyone has seen, we lose interest.  A sentiment I have heard from clients directly is, “If it's so well-known, how powerful can it really be?” 

In order to get butts in seats to do the type of work that moves the needle, advisors need to generate a level of excitement that can motivate people to take action (even if that action is just to call).  The world is awash in interesting stories about money that may or may not relate to the type of investments or strategies that your prospective clients want or need in their lives.  But they are interested in learning about those types of investments or strategies anyway because they are interesting and fresh. 

As human beings, we crave novelty.  We like newness.  It’s exciting and can be scary in a good way.  Don’t limit your messaging to just the topics you as the advisor typically recommend.  Talk about new technology, new investments, and new ideas even if you decide they ultimately aren’t right for some of your clients.  Clients will appreciate you being tapped into their curiosities and will think highly of you if they hear about it from you first.

Financial advisors still have a stigma of being old, stodgy, and boring.  Buck the trend.

Leverage Case Studies and Success Stories

Who are the best sources of praise for your business? Existing clients.

Every advisor knows referrals are the Holy Grail of client acquisition. No matter what niche you play in, you want more clients that are like your best clients.  Word of mouth, especially early on, can only get you so far, so it is important to leverage client goodwill with some extra marketing juice. 

Today’s hyper-digital landscape doesn’t always pair well with the personal and in-person demands of a financial advisory practice.  When it comes to getting the word out about your stellar work as an advisor, help provide your best clients with a platform to share their experiences.  This will supercharge their impact.  High-Net Worth individuals, business executives, and other professionals want to hear from people like them just how valuable an advisor’s services really are. 

Utilizing amplifiers like podcasts, website videos, and written interviews can give clients an outlet to provide honest feedback and a chance to share their successes. Talking about money and success in our internet-enabled world is not as rare as it used to be.  You may find your clients are flattered to speak about their relationship with you, and how you have helped them.  Allowing a client to share a difficult or tricky situation is a valuable way to see their financial journey through their eyes and they may revel in the opportunity to inspire others to take a step toward a better financial future. 

Additionally, you can earn points by not shying away from the imperfections.  A slick, squeaky-clean ad doesn’t create the same believability or transparency as a lightly edited discussion with one or more clients. 

You most likely got into this business because you value helping people.  Your clients would love to return the favor. 

Lean Into Your Point Of View

Every advisor I’ve ever met has strong opinions about finances, investing, and how to succeed.  LinkedIn and other platforms are full of debates about client situations, investing strategies, products, and tools.  Don’t shy away from laying out your positions, even if they might not align with peers or clients.  Your clients are paying for your opinions and expertise.  Give it to them.  

Topics such as real estate investing, cryptocurrencies, or stock trading have layers and nuances.  Don’t gloss over your perspective for fear of appearing too forceful in your opinions.  Many advisors at the beginning of their careers make the mistake of softening their language or point of view for fear of driving away clients.  However, strong, well-articulated positions are exactly what clients value most.  They likely have their own opinions or are looking for one that speaks to them, so don’t disappoint them with a sanitized viewpoint.  Instead, wow them with an unvarnished look into your personal views.  They want to trust you, so trust them to accept your unfiltered thoughts.  

You will realize that most clients will be more forthcoming with their own questions and opinions when you share yours in a way that doesn’t appear to be the “company line”.  It is better to attract fewer clients who fit your practice best and want to work with you for what you bring to the relationship. Quality will always trump quantity in a business that is measured in decades.